A discovery call can seem so…blah. But hear me out. You wouldn’t just hire an employee without talking to them first, would you? At Groove VA we value our discovery calls for these 3 reasons:
Got any questions?
We are all ears. Discovery calls give you the opportunity to tell us your pain points, ask questions, and get a deep dive look into our services. Learning about you, your business, and your needs is our #1 goal.
Can we actually help you?
On our discovery calls, we discuss your pain points as a business owner and then discuss ways we can serve you. We want to make sure that we can actually help you with your tasks. We want to ensure that our services are the solution for your needs.
Are we a good fit?
Our discovery calls kind of feel like speed dating sometimes…either the spark is there or something feels “off”. We want to make sure that you are building your dream team so you can soar to new heights in your business. If we aren’t a good fit, that’s okay! But it’s important to know before things get too far.

What can you expect on a discovery call with Groove VA?
Great question 😉 Our discovery calls are free usually last between 15-30 minutes. On the call we ask a few simple questions (for example, have you ever worked with a VA before? Or…what is your goal in hiring a VA? What would it feel like to have x,y,z off your plate?). You get the opportunity to ask questions, tell us about your business, and explain what you need help with. We will show you a presentation of our services and showcase which ones we feel will suit you best. It’s nothing to be nervous about…think of it as having a quick coffee with your new business bffs!