Creating Balanced Time Management for Business Owners

Raise your hand if you stay up wayyy too late at night 🙋‍♀️

Don’t worry, me too. 

After years of my husband traveling for work (military life!) and three kids, I used to find myself exhausted, like beyond exhausted. I told myself, “Of course you’re exhausted! You have three kids and your spouse is away and you’re running a buisness”. And sure, I wasn’t wrong but I also knew there had to be a better way.

I couldn’t continue staying up late because that was the only time I had to catch up on the important things and get some “me” time. I needed rest, sleep, and to feel like I had accomplished something in my day…before the clock struck midnight. 

Now, I have myself tucked in bed by 10 pm and getting a full 8 hours of sleep (okay, most nights!) even when my spouse is away. And yes, I have things checked off my to-do list, the house is mostly picked up, and I’ve had quiet time for me.

So what changed?

I learned how to manage my time and create a schedule that works for me.

What is time management for business owners?

Time management for business owners is the ability to schedule out your day into sections. Giving yourself plenty of time to get your work done, show up for your family and still have time to care for yourself. 

It’s an essential tool in helping you be productive with your time so you can achieve your company goals, go to your kids soccer games and take a spa day for yourself. 

I know… it sounds too good to be true. But trust me, with some tips and some practice, you can start feeling like a time management pro.

Why is time management for business owners so important?

Time Management for business owners is a crucial skill in creating work life balance. There are so many moments where we feel as if our work is taking over our family life. Or we can also feel the opposite effect, our family’s needs are taking up more and more of the time we set aside to work.

It’s easy to feel that pull and tug when you own your own business and you don’t necessarily clock “in” and “out”. While owning a business or working from home has so many incredible benefits. The downside is trying to find time for yourself, your business and your family.

How do I learn to manage my time?

As a military spouse, business owner, and mom I’ve learned a few tricks on managing my time well, which is why I’ve created a mini course. It breaks it down into something easily applicable. 

I needed something that could work for me while my husband was gone, when he was home, and when unexpected emergencies came up. I need to have a lot of flexibility in my life and I needed my schedule to follow that.

What’s in the course?

In the course, I break down how to create a to-do list that works for you. Not just a list of things that need to be done on a piece of paper. But an organized to-do list that shows you how to list your priorities into categories.

By simply prioritizing your list, you’re already cutting down half the stress. I don’t know about you, but when there are a million things to do floating around in my head, it’s hard to accomplish just a single task. Maybe that’s my enneagram 3 showing 😉

Making sure I have a list of things I NEED to get done and then of things that can wait helps me to focus on the task at hand. Priorities, am I right?

After you learn how to create an organized, 4-part to-do list I show you how to write out your schedule. Being able to look ahead and see the extra time you have gives you a realistic look at how much time you actually have to work with- and it’s more time than you think!

Some things don’t change. Like picking up the kids from school, taking them to practice or maybe you have an appointment with a friend.

But we also have flexible things. Maybe when we workout? Take the dog for a walk? Or sit down to work? 

I teach you to find those spaces and use them to your advantage. You will change your process from entering your day not sure what you need to do, to having a plan, a goal, and more time to rest up for the next day. 

Time management as a business owner is far from easy. With our job and family pulling us in so many different directions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

The beauty of this mini course is that each person will have their own outcomes. You get to tailor it to your life and needs. 

If you want to learn more about my course, time management for business owners, get my 4 part to-do list by clicking here.

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